Out-of-state residents who choose to move back to Wisconsin after a suspension or revocation may be subject to the state’s eligibility requirements. Until a revoked or suspended driving license in WI has been restored, motorists will receive a driving receipt from the DMV as a temporary identification to operate a motor vehicle until the new card is issued. For either a suspended or revoked license, reinstatement may require the motorist file for an SR 22 certificate from his or her insurance company, depending on the circumstances of the suspension or revocation. The terms of reinstating drivers license standing may require the installation of an ignition interlock device (IID) as ordered by a court in specific situations, such as a first offense OWI. In some cases, drivers can participate in a traffic school course to avoid point accumulation that can result in a suspension. Reinstating suspended drivers license status requires a motorist to supply a filing for proof of insurance except in the case of suspension under safety responsibility and damage judgment laws, which encompass situations such as an uninsured motorist. Restoring a revoked drivers license requires proof of insurance except in the cases of first offense of operating while intoxicated (OWI), refusing to take an alcohol or drug test or not complying with a Driver Safety Plan.

A Wisconsin driving history will state the date of eligibility in the same section as other requirements to qualify for license reinstatement.

To reinstate revoked drivers licenses in Wisconsin, motorists must first determine if they are eligible for license restoration, which can be found on a driving record.
How to Reinstate a WI Suspended Drivers License